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n. Anything that is good, or as it should be.

"You look like a sweet-nickel in that outfit."

by Frank Devine November 12, 2006

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sweet f.a.

f.a. stands for "fuck all" -- It means loafing and probably other things too,all positive. Like hanging out. It's a British expression from the late nineties.

"What are you doing this weekend?"
"Sweet f.a."

by Valerie A. C. June 23, 2006

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sweet kid

A term originated in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin that defines a person who thinks that they are the shit and everybody wants to be like him. Hypocritical about drug use and look down on "stoners" or any person under their status. Define themselves by their sweet clothes, sweet hair, sweet friends, sweet cars, sweet music, and sweet lifestyle in general. Typically drink Coors light, are prone to gossip, and roam in packs with other sweet kids. Lone sweet kids are anamolys: DO NOT APPROACH! Similar to "bros," but can be female as well.

Ryan: Where's Chad?
Brad: He's at a Jack Johnson concert.
Ryan: Really? He told me to get him a bag...
Brad: That's wierd..He told me he didn't smoke.
Ryan: Fucking sweet kid.

by RJ Koscinski February 2, 2008

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sweet nectar

a cold glass of Arnold Palmer Iced Tea Lemonade

Guy1: dude, grab me a glass of that sweet nectar
Guy2: of course, enjoy it

by Arnold _Palmer June 16, 2011

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Sweet Mate

Room-mates who live in together in a suite, and start doing more than just playing PS3, eating and drinking whiskey.

They like the bed more than the couch.

Dude, it's all cool, he's my sweet mate in Boston, it's an open relationship

by Bhavu January 29, 2011

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Sweet Caroline

A sexual act where one's partner is doing a bridge while at the same time the other, who is fucking them, is doing a wrestlers bridge.

Dude 1: How did it go with your girlfreind last night?

Dude 2: Fucking awsome!! However we have to go the chiropractor now because we Sweet Carolined for about 4 hours.

by TheGreatLateSP999 August 24, 2010

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Sweet Cakes

(Pronounced sveet cakes)
Used to express great delight about a turn of events. Especially used in the case of a reversal of fortunes.

Guy: I thought i was gonna get kicked outta college after my exams, but i did kick ass...Its fuckin' Sweet Cakes man!

by SHUDDUP FOO'! February 21, 2006

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