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soccer mom

Someone who tries to hard to mould their children into what they deem perfect and the and results are: Teenage Son: Turns into a punk rocker athiest and ends up leaving the bitch with a shocked stare.
Teenage Daughter: Becomes addicted to marijuana and ends up pregant.
Husband: Runs away with his secutary to escape thye nagging bitch.
Soccer Mom: Turns into an alco and ends up with a janitor

"You fucking bitch i hate you you never let me grow up"
soccer mom bitch

by Some DUDE!!!!@ September 22, 2006

48๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

soccer mom

a white mother who drives a mini van and has usually over 2 children who participate in every sport/activity possible. her children are faggots and arent allwoed 2 listen to rap/r&b music because of the dirty words.
definetly not a milf.

also see sluts wiggers posers

my fukin soccer mom picked me up from a club last night in her fukin mini van.

by ...................... March 27, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

serial mom

Any mother that has 3 kids or more.

When it comes to a serial mom, in most cases, why the kid count is almost the same as the father count, unless provened wrong?

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant June 16, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Juvi Mom

A juvi mom is a mother of juvenile deliquent. she will visit her "darling" deliquent child every evening/weekend at the detention center. She usually takes the city bus/cab/walk or drive a "bucket". She most likely lives in the inner city or a working class suburban neighborhood. Usually dresses like a teenager (she's in her 30-40's) wears body piecing and tattoos,high heels she can be argumentive with detention staff,probation officers,attorneys,police officers ect. Some juvi moms try to be their childrens friends then their mothers, there's no boundaries.

"you should've seen that Juvi mom at juvenile court the other day she wearing a low cut shirt and a mini skirt up to her crotch."

by maria sembrakis September 4, 2006

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your mom

the lady that was on my balls last night

your mom fucked me
noo way
'his mom comes in
ready for round 2

by 8-bit guy April 21, 2011

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soccer mom

a sad woman who is trapped on a hamster wheel of endless running and running and running. (insert coffee chugging here) Her life revolves around her children's social schedule and her own existance is defined by it. Although the SUV is the surest indicator of her membership in this exclusive club, the latest identifier would have to be her multi-colored, quilted, flowery, overpriced, overstuffed purse that can double as a seat cushion for the bleachers of the soccer/baseball games. Usual habbitats, huge bargain warehouse stores, fast food lines, character themed pizza joints, and athletic fields. I was raised by one, and i will most likely (sadly) turn into one. The difference will be the censorship/racist/independence issues. Whether one is a Jewish soccer mom or christian or muslim....open mindedness is key. you know in your hearts that a 5 year old doesn't need to hear the word "fuck" all day long, he can do that when he's 15, but he should definately hear good ass music, and that shit should start in the womb. i know you all are young...and angry (mostly due to being cut off in traffic A LOT,) but when you have your own kids....you'll protect them from all of those fucking soccer mom's the same way they protect their kids from you.

day after day the soccer moms open thier eyes to begin another day of the exact copy of yesterday. coffee, turn on the Today show, drive kids to school, run over several small VW golfs, errands, sniff cocaine, pick up kids from school, stop at starbucks, take kids to soccer practice, go through drive thru, tuck kids into bed, masterbate and repeat daily until kids go to college.

by prisonerofsurburbia September 10, 2006

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soccer mom

Typically middle-class or upper middle class, white mothers that live in nice houses in the suburbs. Almost always a superficial christian of 30-45 years of age. Often proud, and super-dominant, because their husbands are successful.
Yet also tormented inside, because they know they're worthless and their lives are meaningless.

Has perfect, wonderful children that must be protected from everything that isn't christian, middle class and suburban.

She drives her children and often other kids around in a huge-ass SUV, suburban or minivan. Bad driving skills, and turns into a rude fucking bitch when you complain about their dangerous SHIT driving.

These fucking bitches cannot stand anything that isn't G-rated. That means 99.999% of music, movies, videogames and the internet are OUT. These women are the downfall of society. They pretend to be perfect and have perfect fucking little brat children, but are often cheating on their busy husbands, commiting adultery with other men, seeking whatever they think they don't have, and therefore destroying other families.

Self absorbed CUNT.

The fucking cunt soccer mom I saw driving through at McDonalds, yelling at everyone in front of her to hurry up because her huge-ass FAT FUCK children were hungry.

by airraid May 10, 2008

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