To Status Flirt, is to update your status with hints or ambiguous statements which you hope your crush will respond to.
This is an easy way to ease into a conversation or romantic dialogue as it can start out jokingly or if all backfires one can say it was "For someone else" or "just some lyrics".
It is typically best to use words from a song they like or know, or mention something which they hold close to them. A great tip is to use something similar to their status.
Often used on; Facebook, MSN, Skype, Yahoo, Etc..
Girl's Status Update: I'm about to go to sleep, Wish I had someone to hold me.
Boy's Status Flirt: If you ever need someone to hold through the nights, I'm here.
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When a guy buys a round of drinks for people he doesn't know to show the woman at the bar he's interested in that he has a lot of money. One must not actually have a lot of money to buy status shots, but one must have enough to pay for the round and be prepared to repeat the process to let people continue thinking he is wealthy.
Tom: Who is this douche approaching our table?
Dan: Doesn't look familiar. Probably trying to steal one of Karen's friends.
Douche: I'm rich and careless with my money! Who needs a drink?! I'm getting everyone a round!
Tom: I don't care who he is. I'll reap the benefits of his Status Shots before I tell him to go away.
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Confederate statues are as much a part of American history, and what some would call culture, as Martin Luther King statues, whether people love them or hate them. Removal of one kind of statue and not the other isn't multiculturalism, it's one group claiming the park the statue sat on as their own, and it will never unify everybody.
As long as a country says one kind of history is okay as long as everybody likes it, but the other is not, the country will remain divided, since one group, or culture, as some would call it, doesn't really respect the other. That isn't multiculturalism, though America has always been a melting pot, and is made of many different groups of the same (human) race. If people have to remove, forget, or pretend something never existed (including Confederate statues) to validate themselves, they don't really respect it, they only respect their own group (or most likely self).
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The act of hijacking somebody's facebook status which usually results in the inability of replies from others, due to the awkward nature of the things said.
Guy who posted status: Fuck me, there's no shame in some people, just doing drugs on the train in public.
Status Terrorist 1: Everyone is 'cracking' under Christmas pressure.
Status Terrorist 2: They're just 'lining' up the presents they're going to buy.
Status Terrorist 1: Preparing their wallets for many 'dealings'.
Status Terrorist 2: Just 'sniffing' out the bargains.
Status Terrorist 1: 'Injecting' their own grandiose delusions of selflessness, through the medium of buying presents.
Status Terrorist 2: Just 'hashing' out their Christmas party plans.
Status Terrorist 1: They're doing drugs.
Guy who posted status: Thanks guys for the Status Terrorism...
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used when giving praise to an object, something someone said, or an idea, but with things referring to pandas, Enjoi, black and white, or something that is cool and peaceful at the same time.
man1: Is that a panda on your shirt? Panda status!
man2: thanks man.
man1: I'm going to listen to Bob Marley for two weeks straight.
man2: wow that's panda status thinking.
man1: that's not what my mom told me.
man2:your mom's not cool, but your dad is panda status.
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One having foreskin but denying it to the fullest extent.
He Byro status.
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The point of being drunk when you are hammered but not quite blacked out. Capable of anything and everything.
I cant believe you stole that parking meter. You were wig status.
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