A fighting board game that is played with 2 dices and that comes with the backgrounds and the characters that is built into the board game and comes with 3 games like bejrovbooty ganbjrastas. RELBJaLooD fist 👊. Little AMERICAN MUAHLONNBExplosion.by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.
I invented and made and created rELBJALOOD SHEDDING BOARD GAME. Fighting board games with dices.by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior ♥️ ♥️.
Much like Water Boarding, Coffee Boarding is used to keep the interrogation lively. It serves two purposed, 1. it is used to interrogate the subject, 2. to sleep deprive the subject at the same time.
Joe Someone was captured and they used Coffee Boarding to try to beak him. After eight days of no sleep he broke.
I got handed a board
I was about to text, but I got handed a board
When you give anal to someone who is underwater and trapped underneath a large pool floatie and cannot escape. It can also be used as a form of punishment.
"Waterboarding was too boring, so we decided to do anal boarding."
Getting the crap between out of you by a smaller person.
yo check it out a midget is tail boarding linear
someone who looks like that lil imp zombie from pvz
Dude1: Dude2, have you seen open pipe board??
Dude2: Hell yeah!! He looks like that fucking stupid imp zombie from pvz!!!