Source Code

obey the law

When you show your weinerberg to someone over FaceTime

I obey the law 3-5 times a week

by Weinerberg69 January 31, 2018

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lunch laws

Basically a set of laws that govern how lunch is to be selected in an office environment. While there are hundreds of nuances which can only be learned through experience, basically :

1. The highest ranking person selects where lunch is to be held.

2. Everyone pays for their own food, except in the case of a birthday or holiday.

3. Everyone must be informed as to where lunch is being held, to plan finances, time, etc.

4. If the highest ranking person asks someone else to select where lunch is to be held, the lower ranking person is to list available areas, and make a selection based upon the higher-ups responses.

5. Lunch laws apply to everyone, even people who are not normally restricted by laws. It is custom, which is stronger than written law. To break lunch law is to invite beheading.

He refused to inform the intern where lunch was being held, and was thus decapitated with the office boxcutter.

by Lunch Nazi May 11, 2004

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The mother of Bridezillas husband and her arch nemesis

After the wedding we get to see Bridezilla and Mothra-in-law square off at the reception!

by E. Sweet March 24, 2010

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Sinde law

It is the imposition of the U.S. government to Spain for a group of people belonging to SGAE and other web pages can be closed p2p. and download music, movies, series and more things

Sinde, Sinde law

by Anonymousspaniard January 27, 2011

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TBestIG's Law

Originating from IFunny user "TBestIG"(a degenerate), TBestIG's Law states that there will never be anything more hilarious than reading a bad, offensive, or cringe political view or opinion online, checking the user's profile and or finding a user's alternative accounts whether on the same site or another, and finding out they are "openly and shamelessly addicted to furry porn and vore".

"I have been in several arguments with TBestIG on his profile and whenever i challenge his views he removes my comment or blocks me to get the last word in and to find out he's an otter vore loving faggot is hilarious and i won't be taking him seriously anytime soon in the foreseeable future". - GoodSamaritan

"TBestIG's law strikes again retard."

by GOODSAMARITAN.IF February 24, 2020

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Oli's Law

When someone leaves, everyone leaves

I gotta go guys, sorry for making Oli's Law

by TheRealGeoBoy October 3, 2020

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Murray's Law

Murray's Law states that everybody is happier when they are receiving sex on a somewhat regular basis. Food tastes better, work is easier, etc. when people are getting sex on at least a somewhat regular basis. Murray's Law can apply to people in relationships or people not in relationships.

Joe: Why has John been so happy lately?

Dave: He's been getting some every night this week. Murray's Law, dude.

by jimmyjohn18 April 5, 2011

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