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The female equivalent of tea bagging. Also described as face-squatting. The act of putting ones vagina onto another's body parts, with or without their knowledge.

Dude, I passed out at this party, when I woke up, this chunker was Crab-Potting my thigh. Damn, she hit you with a Crab-Pot

by ยฅยฃโ‚ฌ June 27, 2014

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pot party

Political party

Daling ru also goin to d pot party 2mo? Ts gona mn sm work out as evry1 wl b xercisn rights. Jus cos of d party trs a holein1day n I dnt evn play golf. Is this new SA sumtn or wat?

by Hercolena Oliver April 21, 2009

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crock pot

To fart into a sheet and then toss it on the face of the one next to you.

Her snoring was pissing me off, so i crock potted her.

by jfxj67 August 5, 2010

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Cock Pot

A gay male who dates someone for the sex

"Jared had sex with Haiden and broke up with him the day after, he's such a cock pot"

by Kosai The Weird Pyro January 29, 2017

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Someone who takes a dump 4 or more times a day. This excessive crapping is a signature of the poop-pot. They should seek medical help.

John was on the crapper 5 times today! He is such a poop-pot!

by Garciameister February 3, 2011

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Sex Pot

When multiple people are tryin fuck you cause your so hot.

wtf i wish i could fuck that sex pot.

by Realonez February 20, 2020

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fudge potting

the act of shoving marijuana up your ass

Man why is your face all clenched up like that?
Dude I tried fudge potting and my fuckin ass hurts.

by Give it a shot man December 8, 2009

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