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thicc (also known as thick) is the ratio of body fat on someone’s ass to the amount of fat on the rest of their body. known to some as a compliment and others as an insult. typically used to describe females but also applies for males.

*sees a girl with a large ass and skinny waist*
Damn bro, she hella thicc

by bigasswaterbottle April 30, 2020


Someone with KINDA LIKE a FAT butt, but JUICY and no stretch marks.lana rhodes

Dam she thicc

by Bigboipewd June 20, 2020


Danika 100 percent

Damn you see how thicc that girl is ?

Yeah that’s danika.

by Danny_Wa wa June 13, 2019


my dear lyanah <3 UGHH

she's sooo thicc, just like lyanah

by callmemommynikki January 19, 2022


Broeder van een andere moeders thighs

Kijk hoe thicc hij is

by T H I C C C Cness June 11, 2018


a more curvy or slim thick person usually female. they have a big booty small waist and big tits

dude #1 : yo you saw that pic of kim k she’s so thicc

dude #2 : that’s facts

by skarpio August 1, 2019




That guy is tHICC

by borkingmaster March 6, 2019