Source Code

show pig

well dressed fat bitch; very materialistic to make up for her being fat; loudmouth.

that ol' fat bitch myrla is a show pig.

by scaryhairyscaringharry April 14, 2009

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Show and Tell

Social Media or the modern way way that people tend to communicate with one another

Cassie quit playing show and tell after her friend's took and posted pics of her passed out drunk on her front lawn

by von groovy March 8, 2019

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Vad Show

The Vad Show
When someones drama, gossip, or influence over shadows others in a room without saying or doing anything out of the ordinary or even being there.

"Why is everybody talking about the Vad Show? There's an awesome demonstration happening right here!"

"Whats with the Vad Show tonight? Don't people have lives of their own to talk about?"

by Mike555 September 29, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

big show

My penis.

Want to see my big show?!

by Scaifeanator February 6, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit show

A ridonculous party or good time.

'As soon a Marty gets out of prison, it's gonna be a shit show!'

by steel julian April 5, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž

puppet show

An activity which is fruitless and a major time waster.

Such as Hanging out with insecure fat obese boys and their 500 pound relatives at tacky Christmas parties.

Don't dance with them or you'll get laughed at.

A puppet show is when you feel sorry for a fat obese boy who is ugly.

She went to the christmas party with the fat kid because she felt sorry for him. What a puppet show that turned out to be.

by Salvatore Vitale's Fat Son December 24, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

That Metal Show

That Metal Show is a TV show shown on Vh1 Classic (Vh1's 80's obsessed Uncle) where the three hosts (Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine, and Don Jamieson) take metal music WAY too seriously, if they even talk about metal. They constantly obsess over crappy Hair Metal bands that nobody could care less about. They do have good guests, like Rob Halford, but will count them out by bringing in a crappy guest to join them. The three hosts think that metal is reserved for people who act like assholes, and will ridicule anyone who doesn't. They also make fun of fans of bands such as Fall Out Boy.

An actual "joke" from That Metal Show.

Eddie Trunk: So I was in the Supermarket one day, and I hit this guy with my shopping cart. This guy turns to me, and I can see he's wearing a Slayer shirt. He tells me "Dude, watch where you're heading." So I say to him "Why don't you shut up, take off that Slayer shirt, and go put on that Fall Out Boy shirt you have at home?" And the guy just walks away, like a PUSSY!

by SKYDIVE October 2, 2011

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