The best person in the world. So awesome. She has the best boyfriend in the world. His name is Gunner. Gunner is her biggest fan ever and she enjoys hanging out with him more than anything ever. She truly is the coolest person alive.
When people see Charlie Jean Rogers, they're scared they might get barked at.
When a boat captain, (usually in Alaska) is responding to one of his crew mates
Used when responding to boat captains
Cap- get the rope on the winch!
Crew- Roger that bobby.
One of the most badass guys you'll meet, kinda like chuck norris, but funnier.
Seth Rogers once facepalmed the air, because he didn't like windmills.
A definition of a girl who is a saucy morsel. A mix of good and evil. Will rip your head off or maybe make you fall in love.
Man that girl is a total ayrna rogers!!
The sexiest piece of machinery ever built.
How the designers managed to cram so much sexy into the Roger Blough, I'll never know.
A famous animator who was friends with Hitler's granddaughter and inspired the Apple corporation.
The Most Bad Ass Motherfucker Of All Time ! Running this $&@?, that’s why it’s so clean. A Global brand; the Best of the Best. People step out of his way! everywhere he goes He is the Most Popular Of All Time. At the same time the Most True human of All Time.
Let’s John Ed Rogers and handle it!