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Steph Curry


Your such a good shooter! Your such a steph curry!

by NycXKing30 November 19, 2020

Steph Curry dump

A dump so urgent that that it escapes your colon and splashes down like an Apollo space capsule from way out in 3 point land before you’ve had time to sit.

I was clenched up and prairie dogging, and befor I could even plant cheeks on the seat it was a Steph curry dump from 3 point land. Nothing but net

by CookFromNOLA December 15, 2023

Harrison curry

This is a boy that is kind and wants to help everyone even when times are tough for them. A Harrison can be good at hiding how upset they are by something so you never really know what’s going on With them

That Harrison Curry is secretly depressed

by Jay-v-1567 May 30, 2020

Curry Worry

When you worry about the potential for having spontaneous diarrhoea

"He has some curry worry"

by LausseTheCat January 16, 2024

Curry Family

the best family ever.🍛🍛.Curry Curry.

curry family like curry 🍛

by lil avocado April 25, 2022

Curry Stomper

An indian dog fucker that st0mps on his curry in a manner resulting fr0m being betrayed by another dog

That Curry Stomper really put his foot in it this time.

by UrSuperHero April 29, 2019

Nicholas Curry

epic man epic

Wow Nicholas Curry is a chad

by jan3h8er December 21, 2020