He will kill you and sweep your clan.
Captain Crazy will kill you and sweep your clan.
Someone who gets popular, then starts turning rude and cocky to the people who made him popular.
He’s changed, he’s getting clout crazy
People who believe in mad conspiracy theories promoted on the internet by bots.
Your friend Billy has some strange ideas.
Yeah, he's botshit crazy.
Someone who is always horny. Someone who always has sex on their mind.
Person 1: Dang, bruh I think she wants me!
Person 2: Naw bruh, shes a crazy fox, shes like that with everyone.
A phrase used to exclaim that you were drunk/high before 12pm. You do not have to actually go to brunch to say this.
Tiffany: Cole, are you okay? You seem tired.
Cole: Yeah sorry... brunch was crazy!
An amazing tiktoker. She is known for making edits, drawing, gacha videos. She is an amazing friends as well and always there for people. She is known as "Tony Stark Daughter", "Curly fries", and "Blueberry". She watch youtubers such as Flamigo/ Albert and Markiplier. crazy._.dude0 or Grace is a wonderful tiktoker, friends, and person in general. <3
Person 1: Do you watch the tiktok crazy._.dude0
Person 2: No