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About as useless as a hat full of busted assholes

A put down in australian slang: when someone cant do their job or play sport properly.

-you see ol' Bluey over there, yeah he's been working here for about 15 years but he's about as useless as a hat full of busted assholes.

by Anthony Kitching October 11, 2004

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how about you go fuck yourself

expression that usually is a retort to a "how about you" question

"How about you sell your house?"
"How about you go fuck yourself."

by Jordster June 14, 2014

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So, how about that local sports team?

A phrase uttered after an awkward silence to break the tension, but it usually ends up making the situation more awkward or ends with people laughing

Person A: I think I killed her when I knocked her down

*Awkward silence*

Person B: So, how about that local sports team?....

*Longer awkward silence*

by Cap'inTramp January 23, 2012

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i don't give a fuck about shit

A medley of not giving a fuck and not giving a shit. In addition to expressing you don't give a fuck, you furthermore reduce the topics about which you don't give a fuck to shit.

I was thinking about her but then realized I don't give a fuck about shit

by dontgohomeangelina January 5, 2016

I see what you're talking about

When someone is saying something that you have either

A) No clue what the fuck they are talking about, or
B) No interest in it whatsover.

It is basically saying "Shut the fuck up" without offending the person talking. And hopefully, they will get the hint and shut the fuck up.

Example A:

"So, if you just take the Rotation Muffler and place it into the X-axis, then you have a complete circuit."

".............I see what you're talking about."

Example B:

"So yeah, she lost the baby, dude. She's heartbroken about it."

"......I see what you're talking about."

"............You're an asshole, dude."

by DHarding March 2, 2010

NOCAYB (No One Cares About Your Boner)

NOCAYB (acronym for "No One Cares About Your Boner") is shorthand reminders of one of the true maxims of a polite interaction online: nobody cares about your boner. Typically deployed in situations where a party has unnecessarily brought up the attractiveness of a celebrity, or sexualized something or someone to an uncomfortable extent, bringing an unfortunate halt to normal, non-perverted conversation.

Dude 1: "Yo, man, that Anne Hathaway is a great actress."

Dude 2: "Yes, she is! She also has really nice feet. I want her to crush my balls like wine grapes."
Dude 1: "...Um, NOCAYB (No One Cares About Your Boner), Dude 2."

by AntiBannerThief June 21, 2018

How I truly feel about you

The definition of how I feel about you is indescribable, it's heart breaking how much I love you and how much I want to be with you.

Although you may not care how much I long for you, I want you to know, although you may not reply to my messages or you are not always nice to me, I want you to know that I love you and I have for months now.

You make me smile, you make me laugh, you may make me want to cry my eyes out for the need to just hold you close to me.

I suppose the main definition of how I feel about you, is LOVE.

Me; I'm not sure how to tell him how I feel
Friend; tell him soon, maybe after the cinema?
Me; how about a gesture, like a description on UD?
Friend; this is so cute! Go for it! ^_^

Me; *does this* *shows him link to: how I truly feel about you*
Guy; <hopefully feels the same way>

by Meg_27_ December 24, 2012

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