A name for usually fatty foods that produce tar-like feces which requires excessive amonts of toiletpaper to clean and/or a shower afterwards to feel normal again.
Peabody: "Hey Gus I just got some cheese curds from the store would you like to try some?'
Gus: "Peabody you must be bat shit crazy, everyone knows that cheese curds are asshole cement"
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A yearly competion where the winner is selected by whoever does the most horribly funny asshole like thing; the winner is decided on halloween every year and is awarded the honor of being asshole of the year and booze because there's no party without booze.
"Now that is some Asshole of the Year quality shit right there"
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a.)gay band from nick and norah's infinite playlist.
b.)a group of total and complete jackasses
a.)I love the song "i wanna screw that man" by fistful of assholes!
b.)Mike, Nick and Bobby are such a fistful of assholes
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To describe a situation in wich it is extremely dark. Pitch black.
"Dam Geena, its darker than a bag of assholes in here! turn the light on!"
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A cold hearted and mean individual bordering on cruel.
Word carries strong connotative meanings.
Person 1: Your nothing more then a callous asshole.
Person 2 (Male): What did you call me?
Person 3: I think she just called you a homosexual.
When you meet someone you don't really care for and don't want to talk to you can implement the asshole policy by immediately portraying yourself as an asshole. The desired effect is that the other person will leave you alone.
When you meet someone that is obviously arrogant you can implement the asshole policy by coming off as an asshole before they have a chance to be an assohole first.
You: "I was at the bar last nite and this fat drunk chick started hitting on me, I had to tell her that the dress she was weraring makes her look fat to get her to leave me alone."
Friend: "Oh so you implemented the asshole policy?"
You: "Yes I certainly did!"
Example 2
Loser sitting next to you: "Hey man, watch this I'll bet I can get that hot bartender into bed tonight."
You: "Dude you couldn't get laid in a monkey whore-house if you had a sack full of bannanas." (You just put the asshole policy into effect)
An asshole who is so into himself that no empathy can escape his douchemosphere
Randal was very upset about his grandmother's passing in that tragic circus fire but, adding insult to injury, his collapsed asshole of a brother Scott wouldn't stop bragging about inheriting more than 200 pounds of oversized shoes, pants, and blouses.