An aggressive driver, person that has propensity for road rage.
Everyone in this area is driving according to rules of the road & along comes that road bully; tailgating & cutting cars off!!
Some one who bully’s people on roblox
OMG! They are such a roblox bully
Stupid stinky website who bullies our friend phe and claims Cassie belly dances
This website bully urban dictionary sucks grr
Toxic employees in a company who undermine internal and external colleagues who may pose a threat.
I find corporate bullies not only destructive, but counter-productive to the progress of a company.
Hudson, that lil bih from the bedhead readhead and steadhead
AKA the ugly skinny creepy weirdo with no life
Yo your'e such a bully nerd box water boy.
there could be three reasons for you to search this:
1) You are not in the right state of mind.
2) u were trying to find a word not present in the urban dictionary and came up with this shit (like me ).
3) you were trying to see if this your favorite YouTuber MakeJokeHorror's characters are present here.
I love watching "gulli bulli" beat up ice cream man and granny.