whatever chis takes for his parlay will chalk due to chis effect
Chis effect. Everything chalked
First you pour lighter fluid on your dick, and start anal sex with your girlfriend. Then you make circles with your thumb and forefinger and place her nipples in each one. As the lighter fluid irritates and inflames her booty hole, you whisper Asian proverbs into her ear to calm her down.
I had such a Zen experience with my new girlfriend last night, she wanted me to teach her a new meditation technique I perfected called a "Flaming Tai Chi".
Chi Town Dizzy Is An Upcoming Rapper In A Few Years
Chi Town Dizzy Is The Next Big Rapper
Pussying out of any act, even when you are being peer pressured into it.
Did you see Ben pull the Chi classic when he was asked to a 4 way gang bang between homies
Girl, I can't wait to see that big bitch chi! Girl, that big bitch chi owe me some money. I dont want no noodles I aint no big bitch Chi!