I choked my woman in bed last night, but it was polite choking. You know.
Opposite of a bad ass. To have an alter ego of perhaps even greater infamy than Rip the Jacker.
Dont be Choke Norris.
When someone gives a virgin a blowjob, then stops and walks away right before the receiver orgasms.
Man, my first time was the worst. She gave me the good old Diet Cherry Choke.
A gay threesome where the pivot man is taking one in the ass by one guy and getting blown by the other
Those dudes look like they got into a poke and choke last night
When you put your dick in a girls mouth, hold it there and grab the bulge, making her caww, resembling a seagull choking on a hot dog.
Face fucked this bird last night, gave her the choking seagull and she cawed loud enough to remind me of my times at the beach.
When you get so high you pass out or hold your breath for a rudely amount of time that you ignore everyone who tries to talk to you.
High Guy 1:So how do you get high without all that usage?
High Guy 2: I got so high, I almost passed out. First puff, just held it in till I got dizzy and exhaled for that ultimate choke hold high!