Source Code

four-dollar couch

If one lays down perfectly flat on a sofa and puts his/her feet against one arm and there is still room between his/her head and the opposing arm, THAT is a four-dollar couch.

"Wow, Paul!" said Katie. "This four-dollar couch is great for sleeping!"

by Croquet Martini May 4, 2005

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Dollar Menu Master

One who is skillful at using the McDonalds Dollar Menu.

Man: Wow i spend $50.00 at McDonalds.
Random person: You should have consulted the Dollar Menu Master before coming.

by mywordisdatruth January 17, 2011

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Penny wise, dollar dumb

Variation of "Penny wise, pound foolish"

When someone saves a penny, by spending a dollar.

"to be extremely careful about small amounts of money and not careful enough about larger amounts of money"

He refused to spend money in repairing the roof, and now the rain has ruined half his furniture- a plain example of Penny wise, dollar dumb.

by PennyWiseDollarDumbRocks January 29, 2021

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And then you found 20 dollars

Something you say to someone when they're telling a really bad story.

person: So I was walking home from school today, and I dropped my Math book...
person 2: And then you found 20 dollars?

by joe725 October 23, 2007

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small loan of a million dollars

How Donald Trump started his career.

"And you know, when I got started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars."

by Volkaynoe February 24, 2016

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Eating off the dollar menu

A man who's penis is extraordinarily small, promting users to feel that his package was comparable to a tiny snack purchased from the dollar menu at a fast food restaurant. Someone who is eating off the dollar menu often has a penis that can be described as cute. It may replicate an actual normal penis in appearance, although in a pediatic proportion (think mini me). If you suspect your mate is eating off of the dollar menu, you can confirm this with any ruler measuring less than 5 inches.

Meeh: "Hey, did you and Eric ever seal the deal?"
Nicole: "Yeah, but it was bammer, he was eating off the dollar menu".

Meeh: "Damn was it that small?"
Nicole: "Hell yeah, it was like a ring finger!"

by Tha6foota May 11, 2009

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Dollar store hottie

The equivilent of asian shampoo in the kingdom of hotties.

Also, the equivilent of dollar store oreos as opposed to real oreos, in the kingdom of hotties.

Driving instructor:"That chick at the counter was pretty hot ay Tom?"

Tomathan:"Dunno... not really... she's the equivilent of dollar store marshmellows in the hottie world... she's a dollar store hottie"

by Spidermanrocks November 25, 2010

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