Australian slang for when you tell someone to calm down or take it easy
John "Easy ginger you're going a bit fast there mate"
To buy something verry easily or ti dteal something verry easily
Javi: hey david did u finnese the new pair of jordans from jose
David:ofc i had to it was an easy cop
When you pleasure yourself, and ur dick sneezes in 5 mins or less. Usually in a very unsatisfying way.
Billy didn't have time to do any edging, and was left considering his life decisions after the resulting easy eddie
An Albanian to Canadian slang for when life or work or both are overwhelming you
"Man this fucking job is stressing me out, and my bitch is pregnant"......."Easy my friend( in Albanian Accent)..."tomorrow is another day my friend".....
Umm not convinced with this. People might end up thinking that we're talking about Tata Indica instead of Indica Easy if we use words like 'test drive'
Indica Easy
When you're hitting it doggy style and you pull outta hole 1, ram it into her brown eye, punch her in the back, call her by her sisters name, grab her hair and hold on for dear life while squeeling like a pig.
Bro 1: she broke up with me this morning.
Bro 2: I'm sorry man you guys seemed so good together what happened.
Bro 1: She said she was into kinky shit so I pulled the Easy Rider on her.
Bro 2: Damn bro.