Source Code

eres tonta? te gusta ser tonta

sinónimo de imbecil, o incluso cuando haces una broma sin gracia

+*alguien te da un susto*
- jajajjajajajajaja te has asustado
+eres tonta? te gusta ser tonta

by eeespaaañññaaaaa May 24, 2020


A person who succeeds at everything they do.

Me: I love Paul Allen! That guy right there is a real knock-it-out-of-the-park-er!
You: Yeah, I hate him.

by MalumLibrum958 January 10, 2023

Er Dunne

A dangerous internet hacker and online scammer which lurks in gaming related forums and multiplayer videogames in general.
He's said to turn really aggressive toward the ones that disapprove of his deeds, to the point of doxxing and/or blackmailing his "opponents".

Did you heard about Er Dunne? He scammed countless players on Overwatch

Dude you're worse than Er Dunne

by kitkat581 June 22, 2017

in butt-er

One who butts in to other peoples conversations, or tasks. Partaking in another persons task, or life goal. Stealing.

Jessica was completing the closing tasks at work when her co-worker came over and started completing the tasks for her. Jessica turned to him and said:

"Hey! Quit being an IN BUTT-ER!"

by Quiz Ones April 25, 2009