Source Code

Calm the farm turbo

What you say to someone who is "carrying on like a pork chop"...meant to diffuse a situation where somebody is vociferous about a subject to the point of resembling a farm vehicle equipped with turbo doing "circle work" in the paddock.

Bloody this, this bloody that, the world's against me, I'm about to "go postal" and the next person who looks at me sideways is gonna cop a "Liverpool kiss"

...."calm the farm turbo mate", go have a lie down and "she'll be apples" in the morning ;)

by The Gavinator March 10, 2022

farm publication survey

acts too unspeakable to name, frequently performed in coffehouses.

I'm off to the coffee shop to code me some farm publication survey.

by ahem excuse me September 26, 2010

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Farm Right Nationalism

A new type of nationalism that is superior to any other forms of nationalism because it emphasizes the importance of being a self reliant, or semi self reliant, farmer or gardener for your family, neighborhood, community, and nation. Reject GMO based foods by Big Farm, embrace based, traditional, organic grown food by local family farms.

Few will take this into account; the sun will never set on Farm Right Nationalism.
Farm Right Nationalism is more based than Vince Dao Nationalism.

by CaliBoy18 November 8, 2021

Avon Old Farms

Avon old farms cmoonly known to people as "shit town" or "podunk" is known for its very uncivilized winged beavers. They have been known to charge on mnay occasions and miss most of the time. They dont understand the concept of waiting for traffic and are commonly hit by cars. They are best known becasue of their ignorance (for u guys at avon that means stupidity.) They have tried and failed to spell salisbury with an "a" rather then a "u"

A young immature boy said "Ill go to avon." that same boy as an old man said "I wish my ass had a brain." :)

by JD Kirkendoll May 4, 2005

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avon old farms

Avon Old Farms is the home of many dick sucking homosexuals that enjoy to take it up the butt and OD on steroids. 4/20 is a holiday for the inhabitants of Avon and they suck their teachers off to get better grades because they sure as hell cant do it on their own, those dumb sons of bitches.

"Look at billy sucking off Mr. Mackey"
"My butt is sore" said James the all american football player

by UncleJemima April 26, 2005

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Colorado Wind Farm

A group of people farting around a campfire.

We all had beans and weenies, cabbage and beer on our camping trip. We were a regular Colorado Wind Farm.

by dryballer January 21, 2011

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Digital Farm Animals

Emotional Dirt.


For example - Digital Farm Animals are so sick have you heard them? they fuse disgusting basslines with sad melodies :( :) ...........Go check them out

by DubstepConnoseur November 23, 2010

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