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The Lonley Gamer

If you call yourself "The Lonley Gamer" or someone calls you that, end your life. Fuck you and your existence, your a cunt and no one gives a shit about you

Look at The Lonley Gamer, what pussy like amirite

by Scaryguyz2113 September 18, 2016

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Gamer Dad

Like a normal dad, only racist.

My gamer dad hates minorities.

by Yr_Hud April 8, 2019

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Gamer's Claw

A way some gamer's hold their controller, using their index finger to hit the A,B,Y,X / X,Triangle,Circle, Square buttons on their controller rather than their right thumb.

Billy's so legit with his Gamer's Claw

by MeekTheShy November 19, 2010

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Alpha Gamer

A person of whom's awesome gaming abilitys are blessed by God himself.

"That is the difference between you and I Silver the Hedgehog, I'm a Alpha Gamer."

by Dean Baquet April 13, 2022

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Social Gamer

Facebook user who wastes inordinate amount of time on Flash-based games. Such games typically have cute anime characters with huge eyes and tiny mouths/bodies.

Social gamers enjoy hours of useless tasks such as clicking endlessly to gain game points or "money" (such as coins, gold, jewels, etc.). They even spend real money on non-real (digital) game objects such as pink tractors or green polka-dotted pets.

Social gamers seem also to delight in annoying the heck out of non-gamer Facebook users who get constantly bombarded with requests to help out with their farm, island, pet, etc. (Or maybe they're just totally unaware how much the constant requests annoy other users.)

Social gamers clutter up Facebook with lots of useless updates and requests.

Without social gamers a lot less time would be wasted on Facebook.

by Spellking July 29, 2010

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True Gamer

An extreme misogynist and involuntary celibate who absolutely despises minorities and/or non-whites with his entire being. These individuals rose to the surface of the gaming community around 2015 during the gamergate media explosion, which targeted sexism and enforced progressivism in the gaming community.

Typically a male, he believes in a jewish deep state conspiracy and that gamers are the most oppressed race to have ever existed. They like to gather at conventions and take part in a cult called gang weed where they hail a deity who takes the form of the joker from the batman franchise. They are very easy to single out from a crowd since they will always weigh over 220 pounds (100 kilos). any individual who does not conform to the aforementioned cannot call themselves a true gamer.

guy 1: "Did you hear about jimmy last week? He was arrested for brutally beating his wife, and he'd been hiding it all year."
guy 2: "Holy shit dude, no, not at all. I thought he was a pretty nice guy, but I guess he's a true gamer now.

by aussiegamercop October 25, 2018

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Casual Gamer

Casual Gamer's are the bane of the current gaming industry. Casual Gamers prefer to play games on an inferior console rather than on a superior PC. Most Casual Gamers are fans of only Sports and racing games as anything with a fantasy or sci-fi setting is "nerdy" to them. To them gaming isn't a hobby but just something you do for fun so games should never be complicated because that would require thinking on their part and would not be fun for them.

Causual Gamers attitude towards games causes them to only buy simplistic sports and action titles. This harms the development and evolution of the industry as a whole because hartless publishers like EA, Ubi-soft and Sega will use their influence to crush new and innovative ideas and push foreward titles which will sell faster to the unwashed masses.

A Casual gamer actually said to me once "Well *I* don't like to think then *I* play games" as if not thinking some how made him better than me. Yeah that makes a WHOLE TON of sense, jackass. Not thinking is obviously making you a better person.

by Sega Slayer July 22, 2004

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