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Get Ligmatized

To absolutely eat shit and die, to crash and burn, from the root word ligma

Damn, I better be careful on my skateboard or I might fall down and totally get ligmatized

by SexHaver212 November 28, 2019

58๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

get up

someone's outfit, usually directed to a good looking hizzy.

(whispers)yo, check out that get up on skeezah.

by waudi c. wilkins August 5, 2003

363๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


go hard and be badass

yo broo go GET BUCK!!!

by whetto from the ghetto September 14, 2011

153๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get in that ass

An individual who practices deciet, breaches confidence or is unfair and dishonest against another must be punished by way of physical retribution. Was essentially first coined on the TV show 'Curb your Enthusiasm' by Larry David's co-star Leon.

Quoting from Curb your Enthusiasm

"Leon: When a man calls you a fucking faggot, you get in that ass Larry, you know what i mean? You get in that ass Larry.

Larry: What are you talking about?

Leon: You let a man slide today, you must immediately get inside somebody's ass when that happens to you. You pull the asshole open, step into the asshole, close the door behind you. Then you take a spray can right, spray Larry was here, wash me all that shit, fuck his whole asshole up. Get a snickers bar, paper, throw that on the floor, fuck his whole asshole up. Then you open up that asshole one more time, step out his ass, then leave that motherfucker wide open so he know you've been there."

by RoninR August 4, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

getting head

A slang term used most often in adolescence, referring to the act of fellatio, or oral sex. It is the subservient act of orally stimulating the male sex organ. It is performed mainly with the lips, mouth and tongue, with which suction pressure is applied to the male organ. Once orgasm is achieved, the liberated semen is preferrably swallowed and/or licked from the male body.

"I love getting head, and my girlfriend loves giving it, because she loves the taste of semen and she's heard it's full of protein."

by whooa April 10, 2006

1039๐Ÿ‘ 353๐Ÿ‘Ž

get Ricked

To follow a sloppy night of drinking with an even sloppier night of sex with "The Rick." Many a fateless (and most likely now soulless) girls have unfortunely fallen into the trap of mistaking The Rick's supposed charm at face value and overlooked that fact that they are far too intoxicated to truly be having any rational thoughts at this point. Unfortunetly for these poor ladies The Rick, due to his continuous sexcapades, plays host to more venerial diseases then a Vietnamese prostitute. In fact, several of these sexually transmitted infections have began to mutate and fuse into a singular disease known amongst the medical community as a RTD (Rick Transmitted Disease). Although the true risk of catching a RTD is currently still unknown, the consequences - both physically and mentally - are most likely profound. It is our hope as the community of Madison to pray that one day our young girls will ultimately realize the scope and breadth of this pandemic and furthermore refuse to partake in any sexual conduct with The Rick.

You see that whale from Tri-Delt at the bars last night? Yeah, she is for sure going to get Ricked tonight!

by Gregorry H March 6, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get Boosh

Expression used to describe something that one would normally describe as insane, crazy, ridiculous. Usually used to describe an act that requires the one "getting boosh" to exert alot of physical energy or display an aura of being extremely energetic. To get wild, to get crazy, to go nuts, to go HAM.

"Yo bro, lets get boosh tonight!"
"Sounds good, theres this Rave in the city we should check out."
"Sweet. Let's catch the 8:40 train to Penn Station."
(The two bros proceed to give eachother a bro handshake)

Youtube/get boosh lifestyle.

- John just benched 405lbs with chains attached! John's getting boosh.
- Lisa is going nuts at a dubstep concert dressed in an all neon outfit and glow bracelets. Lisa is getting boosh.
- Brad just did a double shooting star off the boardwalk into the bay. Brad just got boosh.

by ApolloBarnes92 June 20, 2013

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž