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The young generation of today now refer to 11-13 year olds as a case

16YearOld:: Do you want to do something sometime?
11-13YearOld:: if your willing to catch a case?
16YearOldBoy:: wait, how old are you?!

by Sinead Smith August 16, 2018


A Long Neck Pedophile that touches 6 year olds.

Also: To refer to someone that is coming out to be gay.

Case just came out of the closet

by Im your senpai UwU July 31, 2020


A funni boi

Boy: you know that guy? He is such a case.

by Tabitha Fellter June 26, 2018


A kind person, with an awesome sense of humor, Case is a awesome basketball player if you know a boy named case text him now

Person1: hey who’s your boyfriend

Person2: Case
Person1: he’s a keeper

by Your mmmmmmoooooooommmmmmmm November 29, 2021


doodoo at fortnite

dont be a case

by godatfortnite November 7, 2018


a garbage person at fortnite

dont be a case

by godatfortnite November 7, 2018


A person with little to no thought process or literary ability, a truly moronic man. Unable to read simple words from a power point, or contribute meaningfully to a conversation. Only call someone this to truly destroy their self esteem.

You fucking Case, stop eating glue.

by Jeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffff April 22, 2022