Noun, Plural: Mini-mes
Pronounced as: Mini + Me / Plural sounds like Mini-me's
A Mini-me is a word used to refer to a child/toddler (plural for the whole group) who can speak and is generally annoying.
"Uh those fucking Mini-mes are at it again, they're sitting peacefully on their lawn", the Karen remarked.
"Who ate the DAMN STRAWBERRY JAM JANETTE??" screamed Joseph. "It wasn't me, it was Adam". "ADAM FROM SCHOOL??" "No Adam - the mini-me who lives next door". "Oh well", replied Joseph, he was really looking forward to that Strawberry Jam.
"The Mini-mes have gotten so much louder since last year haven't they?"
A mini house in the back yard of a mansion
Behind the celebrities house there is a mini mansion.
An ultra short Mini skirt that soly comes down to the top of the panties and the whole panties are showing.
She's got on an ultra mini.
When u gotta be hush af but you gotta get that O out. So you so you whisper it gently so no one else hears you.
K-Yani: Last night, I had my first Mini O with my boyfriend. My parents were right next to us.
Jack: Damn. Y'all sneaky af🌚
Something an adult calls a group of younger boys.
Had a group of mini bros over for a barbecue this weekend.
Mini Cooper is an adorable car with a fashionable driver behind the wheel. Unreliable but zippy, this vehicle may leave you stranded on the side of the highway but by God you will look fucking Euro trash cute with the hood up and your thumb out. Don’t talk bad about this car when you are within earshot because as soon as you do it will go all “Christine” on you, locking the doors and emitting numerous check engine lights that can only be cleared by the Gods at Mini Cooper themselves. Mini Coopers make you smile when you see them on the road because they are cute and you aren’t the one dealing with the constant headache of a BMW manufactured engine.
I saw a Mini Cooper broke down on the 80 and couldn’t get over the how perfectly symmetrical the racing stripes were.