a term to describe if something looks good on you
“those new balances aren’t drip-adjacent” or
“those ain’t adjacent to my drip”
A word used to discribe when a females vagina is dripping with any sort of substance, before, during or after sex.
One my god~ I had sex for the first time with Alex! He was going so hard and had me dripping with passion two seconds in!!
When you bust a nut inside a girl and she has to run to the bathroom dripping cum
I made that bitch drip walk last night
A joining of the words whip lash, eye lash and drip, Drip lash is act of shooting cum in or around a woman's eye. A perfect drip lash will land on the eyelashes, and be paired with a quick jerking of the neck and head giving an added emphasis on the whip lash perspective of the word.
Bro I gave her drip lash last night, and she has been complaining about her eye and neck all day. Oh well lets go browling( bowling with bros... Bonus)
cum shotcumwhip lashwhite mascarawhores
Casual drip (caa-shu-ul-drip): To humbly adorn oneself in apparel or accessory with modern appeal
Hey steve, nice hat. “Thanks man, you know I got that casual drip.”
The cloth you place under your girl to catch the man milk you just pumped into her as you pull out. Incontinence pads work best for heavy loads while a microfiber cloth is best for smaller, daily inseminations. A darker drip cloth is reccomend when there is a competing flow or anal.
Forgot to use a drip cloth with the lady and now I have to wash my Hotel Luxury bed sheets for the 3rd time this week!