Date rape is achieved by pressurising the victim into drinking copius amounts of alcohol or giving them a spiked drink (drug of choise for spiking is typically rohypnol) and with the victim in a state of intoxication, the attacker will have unconsented sex with his victim.
The source of psycho bitch's anger and racism was because a Kenyan named Dobi date-raped her.
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To penetrate into a line without notice, successfully embedding oneself into the line.
Ted: 'Dude, this line is long!'
Ben: 'Wanna line rape it?'
13๐ 2๐
the act of opening your email and seeing multiple emails from the same address. most commonly alert emails.
Me: Fuck me, 720 emails
You: 720 emails dood, shits crazy! you subscribe to too much porn
Me: nah dood, i have been inbox raped by Facebook and Freecycle.
You: Wurd, that sucks bro.
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(Noun and verb)
What happens to you when you watch a TV show online and they force you to watch an ad every 5 mins.
You watch a 40min show and you are shown 8 ads (worst if they are the same). You feel ad-raped from being forced to watch these ads. You say "I hate this ad-rape".
14๐ 2๐
When a friend on the popular social-networking website 'Facebook', frequently posts (or tags you) on your Timeline with content that obviously elicits your approval (or otherwise useless content) in an effort to gain your attention, publicize your relationship, or to simply annoy you.
Abraham Lincoln (Status Update)
"Go Wildcats!"
2 hours ago
Ulysses S. Grant likes your status "Go Wildcats!"
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Wildcats beat Jayhawks
Ulysses S. Grant tagged you in a post: "Gettysburg address. -- with Abraham Lincoln"
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Gettysburg Address- Full Speech
Ulysses S. Grant posted a link on your timeline Feline Fetishes
//Good ol' Abe doesn't need to call out Ulysses for this incident as all their mutual friends can clearly see without a doubt, this instance of Timeline Rape.
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The act of exploiting the Caps Lock or Shift Key in manners it wasn't ever meant to be used for, such as randomly capitalizing letters, typing in all capitals, adding more symbols or figures than necessary, or not using it at all.
lYk OmG i lUv kYlE hE tHe BeSt EvAr KyLe aN jEnNy 4-EvA!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~looK aT mE, aint iT cuTE wHen i tYpE wItH tHe ShApEs?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
i dont need 2 typ rt im 2 hottt 4 dat shit lol
36๐ 9๐
The act of invading someones personal space with out their permission to do so.
"Dude, Devin totally just bubble raped Bo..."
"Yeah, his finger was all up in his grillz!"
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