Sexual intercourse wherein one partner is positioned behind the other (i.e., "doggy style"), during which one or both partners are exceptionally high on hallucinogens, or at least have particularly good imaginations.
Boredom is the mother of innovation.
At this point, what wasn't stale for us was probably physically impossible, or at least would cost my security deposit. I'd fucked with him from above, below, front and behind. In harnesses, in costumes, strap-ons, and blinds. But today, today was special. We watched How to Train your Dragon, Reign of Fire, and left a demo of Panzer Dragoon playing on the screen, and we each demolished an eighth after picking up shrooms from our source uptown. I put him behind me to start the night's sexcapades, but suddenly in a blink we weren't burnouts fucking like dogs in a shitty apartment. I was a beautiful, winged beast, with claws like great curved swords, with tits like two zeppelins, and he was a rider, young and full of wanderlust, and together we were possessed of that ancient thrill, dragon riding. Off we flew, sexing past enemy fire through the defenses of the Dick Empire to claim the ancient artifact, Sexcalibur, for ourselves.
"He's so dumb he set his alarm to silent, he must be Jon's ride"
The ride where your bouncing harder than a hookers titties in the middle of anal
Irish Slang - An exceptionally good looking person. Someone you are really attracted to. The highest complement one can receive.
See that guy there; he is a filthy ride!
After you just got the sweet living life fucked out of you and you can do nothing but rip the Hyde
Girl 1 - last night was intense
Girl 2 - Hyde Ride?
Girl 1 - oh yeah couldn't even move
when something is perfect, prime
hey you caught that wave? prime ride. straight a's? prime ride. prime ride? prime ride.
Driving your car around the city with your spare.
Megan's car caught a flat and now she is riding the nut.