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Shame Totem

When a Man has an erection at an inopportune time.

"Hey Jane, did you see Umberto bomb his speech in front of the whole school!"
"Ya, he had a serious Shame Totem going on there, maybe I'll take it for a ride later".

by DJ Optimus P April 20, 2020

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sheep shaming

Sheep shaming is the past time of radical leftist groups which involves shaming people because they are voicing their opinions or standing up for their rights. The sheep who are the target of sheep shaming receives threats, ridicule, and also sometimes hate mail until they become paranoid and sheepish. This practice was banned ones however it was reinstated when people started to become more aggressive and brave.

Sheep shaming should be illegal in the United States because it is harmful to people's mentality.

by Type2GenomeManiac March 22, 2019

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shame cleaning

cleaning in rapid manner when you know company is coming over

I am shame cleaning for the barbecue tomorrow.

by pc4444 May 18, 2016

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A person of inferior breeding, usually of scotch-irish decent. He/she is usually a sweaty, overweight, stinky, classless, uncultured, burping, farting-in-public, alcohol swilling individual, pig-like in appearance. He is generally of no use to society other than to defend scum of lower human standards than himself. A truly boorish individual, friend of none.

I still cannot get that image of that gross man we saw today at the courthouse. What an uncultured swine he was, strutting around like a friggin peacock. A shame-born person if I've ever seen one!

by ha2065 July 6, 2012

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Gamer Shaming

When a gamer is being shamed for living his gamer Lifestyle.

That's called Gamer shaming

Girl: "You were playing this stupid game for the last 8 hours, you are fucking addicted aren't you? This is getting ridiculous."
Boy:*feels the gamer shaming vibes even though he actually is addicted* "Sit the fuck back down woman." *starts beating her*

by Kabosch January 22, 2019

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Shame Phishing

The duplicitous posting of images and information intended not to honestly share but to troll for negative commenters in order to attack them.

She deliberately went shame phishing online by posting less than flattering pics of herself and waiting until the inevitable negative comments trickled in, and then boy did she really launch into attacking them back!

by ka the wordsmythe June 3, 2016

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Yawn shaming

the act of shaming a colleague for yawning too early during the shift.

"Yawn shaming is a standard practice from 2pm to 4pm"

by ervik June 24, 2019

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