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extremely good

me: jessica is an op blowjob giver
her bf: oh yeah have u tried deep throating her?

by chignon-avignon February 26, 2023


It’s something people say to fill in an awkward space. It really doesn’t have any real meaning but if you don’t know what to say Op is the way to go. Also it’s just an Ohio thing

Joe:So I just did some crack in the bathroom.
Alex: Op
Joe: ....

by RealHotGirlSh*t September 1, 2019



that is very op

by hawwlow November 21, 2022


Means overpowered.

Hym "An OP flavor would be an 'overpowered flavor.' That isn't a good thing. You sound like somebody's granddad. And no. That isn't how video-games are going. It's not more cooperative or anything of the sort. The same solipsistic assholes driving up the lane and ignoring the fucking mini-map. The same off-meta picks wrecking our team comp and tossing perfectly winnable games in the garbage. Same over aggressive duo lane trying to act like they aren't getting their asses ABSOLUTELY BUSTED. Like, that's not at all what's happening. Unlike my thing. Which is absolutely and totally happening and can be substantiated by studies and she just feels oh so bad about it but it's totally not the thing I said and it's something else entirely in which case why do you feel bad about it if it's the thing the guy said and not the thing you feel bad about? Like, they guy is trying to prove it's not the thing and the girl feels bad because.... She's NOT doing the thing I said?"

by Hym Iam January 6, 2024

1👍 1👎


op: one piece
that one stupid fucking anime

1: "i love watching OP"
2: "what the hell is OP"
1: "one piece"

by Bunny Mugshot January 1, 2021


This person was a ladies man or had a lot of men in their younger years; original playa.

No worries I’m an OP!

by Chan0402 July 4, 2020


Short for Operative, undercover cop, informant, snitch

: Swear if I see an op ain’t gona spare em

by Jden January 9, 2024