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Redneck Backwash

The act of nutting in another persons throat, then shitting in their mouth and swallowing it, to then regurgitate it into a shoe and then chugging it down in under 15 secs and then fucking your sister

My brother gave me the Redneck Backwash last night

by Big PP Tyrone February 2, 2022

Redneck Cry

The Redneck cry is a noise that rednecks can't help but release after watching something unpatriotic, the noise made is a simple "Ye-ye" it can be quite startling if unexpected.

After Duncan witnessed his beloved Confederate flag touch the ground he let out his mighty Redneck Cry!

by Mike the disaster. February 14, 2018

Redneck Paintball

“Redneck Paintball” is when a girl has a tampon in and holds her nose to sneeze while bent over... shooting the tampon out like a paintball

My roommates Jenn and Megan are so gross, they’re in the other room having a Redneck Paintball fight.

by EvryWmnzFntsy May 9, 2020

redneck bukkake

When you spit chewing tobacco juice on each other during a sexual encounter.

I gave my old lady a redneck bukkake last night!

by Ktown48 May 3, 2016

Redneck Tantrum

A person who punches walls shortly after being dumped.

Yo, you hear about how that one Redneck punched the wall after his girlfriend left him?

Yeah he had a Redneck Tantrum

by PegasusMX April 17, 2018

redneck cookies

Cookies made with moonshine

Cleedus please pass the redneck cookies

by BlameEula February 17, 2017

Redneck Princess

Redneck Princess, She is Redneck when she is mad her whole face and neck turns red, but She is Pretty as and as intelligent as a Princess. She loves Jesus and is not afraid to show it. Since 1999.

She can run with the guys an keep up with them an is beautiful doing it. She owns her own truck and can work on it herself. She also drives her own Semi Truck, ikes the Truck Stops because she meets lots of different people.

Since 1999

Her Citizens Band Radio handel is Redneck Princess, she also uses it for her online accounts.

by Original Redneck Princess May 2, 2019