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Donkey skin

The extra skin on a uncircumcised penis

I ask Earl what the extra skin over the head of his penis was, he said that's just my donkey skin.

by Stool hand Luke January 11, 2016

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skin dip

when you tired of a mf not putting not enough respek on yo name and you grab them by they neck and yank it several times.

That nigga Charles was trying me so I skin dipped his ass

by BigPoppaHill May 19, 2016

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skin stick

Another name for a penis

If my boyfriend wore grey sweatpants then I would be able to see the outline of his skin stick.

by Vick B. November 30, 2017

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Good For Skin

No real definition of the phrase can be established, as it clearly doesn't make sense to begin with. Often used as a last resort response to an unrelated statement or question.

The use of the phrase generally results in utter confusion for the other person, and can be used to get out of sticky(hair) situations.

Usually pronounced with a sort of yo-yo voice tone, accompanied by a Canadian-Persian-Twat accent.

Common suffixes include man, brosky, brosef, buddy, broooo and mate.
Note: On special occasions, different variations of suffixes can be used, eg. budiola, brosefsky, bro-a-saurus etc.

Example 1
Person 1: So you wanna like go to town orrrr?
Person 2: Yeah man, good for skin brosky.

Example 2
Person 1: Mate, you shouldn't smoke.
Person 2: Good for skin man.

Example 3
Person 1: Man this VB taste like piss.
Person 2: No.....bro, good for skin budiola.

Example 4
Person 1: I hate the music at this club.
Person 2: Good for skin bro-a-saurus.

Example 5
Person 1: Dude are you drunk already?
Person 2: Li bi tipsy, good for skin buddy.

Note: In most examples, a plausible and common response by Person 1 could be "WHAT EVEN IS THAT!?", followed by unwarranted hysterical laughter from Person 2.

by YirosNob July 24, 2011

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skin cheese

A term that is used to describe when somebody gets meaningless filler tattoos on them just to take up space.

Nice sleeve, bro. I like all of the skin cheese they threw on there.

by deeliciousness December 12, 2013

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bare skin

Female that doesn't wear and rely on make-up everyday like most Latinas, naturally cute.

Damn look at that Bare Skin Babe

by BareSkinA1 February 18, 2014

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second skin

Describes the act of donning a virtual or simulation of the human form in a real or online space.

In the safety and comfort of their own homes, they simply sit back in a β€œstim chair” where they can control their surrogates as if they were their second skin.

by Pure West October 3, 2009

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