Source Code

block game

another way to say minecraft

P1: Hey guys, wanna play block game?
P2: no i'll play at six
P1: oh okay

by pure chaos August 8, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Heidi Game

The American Football League game played between the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders on November 17, 1968 in Oakland, California. The game owes it's fame to the fact that NBC decided to cut away from the broadcast in order to begin airing the made for tv movie "Heidi" on time.
The game had only 65 seconds left with the Jets leading 32-29 following a field goal. After the Raiders received the kick off, the network went to commercial only to return to the soporific misadventures of Heidi. Outraged viewers flooded the NBC switchboards with complaints, and stunned fans scrambled to their radios to listen as the Raiders completed a wild comeback by scoring 2 times on 3 plays to win the game 43-32. Quarterback Joe Namath and the Jets got their revenge 6 weeks later by beating the Raiders in the AFL Championship Game, and then beating the Baltimore Colts 16-7 in Superbowl III.
The NFL and the networks would later amend their policies to allow games in progress to be seen in their entirety in their home markets.

I can't believe I missed the end of the Heidi Game because of that stupid movie, it wasn't even the original Shirley Temple version.

by Mr.Softey January 27, 2009

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game of freckles

A drinking game played by very drunk squaddies in one of them shits into a sock then players gather around a table and rest their chins on the edge of it, the sock is beaten on the centre of the table by the shitwhacker 10 times. The winner is the player with the most "freckles" on their face.

" I need a shit....fancy a game of freckles "
" fuck off you sick bastard....ask me in 10 beers time "

by Rob St Evenage March 7, 2008

86๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

are you game

When someone ask if you're game, it means that someone asks if you are ready to do a certain action. Simultaneous it also implies that a challenge is included.

"are you game?" = "are you ready to take up the challenge?"

by flippergoose February 11, 2014

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in game name

An in game name, or "IGN" (not to be confused with ign.com) is the nickname a person gives the character they play as in a (typically multiplayer) game.
One might share these in chats with friends.

Person: What's your Minecraft in game name? Mine is xX_CodPlayer_Xx.
Friend: Dude, I don't even play minecraft.

by Eyy it's John May 9, 2016

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killing game

A killing game is when you have 16 Students with unique talents -also known as Ultimates or SHSL- in one area with no exits and force them to kill each other. When it inevitably happens, a monochromatic bear forces you to investigate the crime scene, interrogate your best friend, and participate in a class trial. There, you figure out who is the blackened who committed the crime and condem them to an execution which is weird and fucked up. This goes on for five chapters then the sixth is for figuring out the mastermind of the killing game where you figure out that it's been Junko Enoshima all along.

God fucking damnit this bitch died in the first Killing Game, so why is she back?!?!

by CarterEudoxin December 24, 2017

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game cube

One of several modern gaming platforms with good quality graphics and gameplay. It is a good choice for gaming fans due to the unique and interesting games released for it. Neither better or worse than the X-Box and PS2 in general, for each system has it's own unique advantages.

I can't decide whether to buy a Game Cube, XBox, or PS2... they all kick ass.

by Jumper5 April 20, 2003

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