A phrase which typically describes a stupid person, or someone who has just done sonething idiotic.
Guy 1: Have you seen what that bloke over there's just done?
Guy 2: Yeah that was stupid, what a melon farmer.
Is a boy called J-Hope which is looking like he throws some watermelons when he said playing bowling with is sleepy girlfriend min yoonji that's why he is called J-Farmer
"J-Hope throws the Bowling like Watermelon. Let's call him J-Farmer"
Stinky, council house bender who won’t leave a group chat coz it’s the most amount of friends he’ll ever havd
Farmer has 0 friends
In the US a farmer is generally a white person who tills the land that was stolen from indigenous people at gun point and through various coercive treaties which were never honored by the US Government. Farmers claim to not be racist but will embarrass themselves whenever asked why all local farmers are white.
Farmer “I love this land. My family has farmed here for generations!”
Non-farmer “Bro, you’re farming on Native land.”
a person who grows crops and like blonde chicks
He is so into her, he reminds me of a farmer
An instagram user that follows everyone then unfollow them after they get a follow back, they do it in order to have lots of followers.
Tyra: girl u kno this girl named h0e101_ like she followed me last night so I followed back then the next day she unfollowed me wtf
Gina: does she have bare followers?
Tyra: yeah
Gina: she's prolly a farmer, unfollow that bitch
A pier drunk who never changes out their bait, hooks up and constantly looses fish
Hey have you seen big Ross out here ?
Oh you mean that f*****g farmer !
I think he’s at home peening all over his balls