the meaning of the name Kate is Katie. accept it man your name smells like garlic and clogged sink.
Person 1: "oml. what is that smell?"
Person 2: "oh its just Kate dw. or i should say Katie."
Person 1 "I wonder if she'll spell stuff wrong again today."
Loves huntin'
Do you see that girl over there? She loves to go huntin'. Her name must be Kate
She only wears denim. Glasses, pants, shirts, shoes, skin, all of it. Probably stans Edward Cullen from Twilight (:vomiting_face:). Definitely plays catboy dating sims and is a kitten for a minimum of 6 discord mods (per day). Theater kid. Short.
Person 1: Have you talked to Kate recently?
Person 2: You mean Jate? She practically *is* denim at this point
Person 1: oh yeah, jate. have u seen her tho?
Person 2: Unfortunately yeah but if you want to talk to her it has to be in terms
Kate is a girl who is worth keeping, sometimes all Kate's aren't nice but 80% are
great. She has a heart when it comes to people, her respect is high. She values respect, if you don't respect and except her she will cut you off really quick. Don't mess with a Kate, she will beat you up. Kate has high expectations, especially when it comes to love, she expects you to love her because as soon as you stop she will stop loving you. She has the heart of Silver, maybe not Gold. She isn't perfect, neither is her life, but she tries to be the best version of herself whether you don't like her or not, she still cares for you even when you hurt her.
Kate the great! Noooo...
Kate always late.
Im just kidding Kate's
White privileged girl. Likes sweaty monsters
That girl is such a kate
What you mean?
She’s a bih
a big botch who switches up on her friends for her other friends
did you see kate and louie kissing
Yeah ever since she switched up on her other friends they have been hooking up
Vv cool. extremely cool. awesome cat(leopard ears). 10/10 irish accent. can be funny or scary when she laughs. ABSOLUTELY AWESOME LIKE SORA AND A GF. very smart. beauty is immaculate. amazing bangs and glasses. THE BEST AT PALADINS
random discord user 1: i talked to kate today. she was so funny and great
random discord user 2: yeah omfg great girl so funnyyyyy. i literally love her