Past tense of 'Do Ya Rip'. Implies that the 'Rip' did indeed happen upon the unfortunate 'Ripee'
Wee mental davey went to the arcades and spent his disability on the tuppeny nudger and lost it all. The chubby, blonde, female worker commented 'Ripeth done' at the end of wee mental daveys tether. Wee mental davey isn't having this and throws a handful of five pence pieces at blonde chubster. Obviously, chubster goes pure Ford Estate squawking words only Seagulls understand whilst davey's going absolutely acka, uncontrollable at this point, I feel like I'm going to have to walk away and deal with this. David no, you're too strong no daaaavid nooooo
it originated by someones tick tock live. It was a card game for abbreviation “BDC”
originally something else but she read this off the coments.
*botox done cooked
this my friend is brain rot at its finest
kayce: that ho botched
sienna: damnn botox done cooked
kayce: *silance*
kayce & sienna: HAHAHAHA
Only just half of something done.
"I'm almost done!" *procrastinates*
A congratulatory expression to someone when expressing good wishes to them on a job well done.
Did you get that round in? Ale done lad!! or Did you give that one the aul scotty pippen last night? Very Ale done!!
When you know someone has done eh/ know they done something but want to hear it from their own mouth. Someone has always done something.
Fred I know what ye done. Might aswell say eh now.
when you do not want to do anything anymore in the moment you started
or maybe jungkook only knew those words, who knows
jhope: all english time, all english speakeu
jungkook: yeah
jhope: you know what i am saying?
jungkook: yeah. i'm good, i'm done
Being done and fed up with something.
Done with being / doing something.
Done with and leaving somewhere.
Tired of being and doing something.
I'm so done out this place.
I'm done out with you and all your bs.