jasmine is a very comedic person , although they all have a huge penis minimally 10 inches that drips around everywere with no control , this causes jasmine to stay at home alot
jasmine is so funny ! i wish she didnt cum on everything
She's very small in size. A real dwarf. You can call her Samwise Gamgee if you want because 1. she's just as short and 2. very supportive. Over all a very uwu person.
Someone: hey Sam wanna carry the ring to Mordor with me
Jasmine is the kind of person you love at the first sight. She is always so funny, friendly and open-minded. You can only appreciate her. Her lashes are always fancy and her hair are wonderful, she is as beautiful inside as she is out. She’s a wonderful girl who will become a gorgeous woman. Jasmine is definitely the best friend you can have, she will always makes you feel loved and she will always be there for you. You could come to her house, crying at 2.am for a stupid thing and she will be waiting for you with a bucket of ice cream and will makes you feel so much better only by her presence. She deserves the universe and even more. Everyone would love to have a jasmine in their life but not everyone deserves one.
I met jasmine yesterday, she is such a lovely person, I would love to become friend with her.
Jasmine is a kind introverted person who always speaks her mind . Doesn't really like having friends but when she does she returns your energy . She doesn't care what other people think of her but still dresses up. She loves going to school and helping others. She smiles even when she's hurting . She have her ghosting days when she doesn't want to talk to anyone. She is smart , funny and and fun to be around.
Boy 1: Dude what do you think about Jasmine.
Boy 2: She's ok i guess
Boy 1: OK?! She's literally a goddess
Jasmine is a name given to stupid people and they always look dumb and they are so slowwwwwwwwww. She is the ugliest human being to step on the planet they always say that they are beautiful and pretty but actually they are a monstrosity walking on earth.
"Is that Jasmine?"
"Yeah, i thought that was an obese alien!"
A loud mouth fuck who has too much to say for themselves. Gets their nose in everyone else business and is a massive twat. Doesn’t fit in very well and sticks out like a sore thumb. They are also a freak of nature that need a good slap to be put in their place
A jasmine is a nosy twat that with just her presence alone pisses everyone off.
Jasmine is a beautiful woman who has the biggest crush on the Grinch. His long feathery fingers cause her spine to shiver and her toes to curl. Jasmine’s ideal role play is with a man in a green suit. If Jasmine is ever having a bad day, just be lean, act mean, and wear green. But don’t steal her ice cream.
Oh, have you met the Grinch’s wife? That’s Jasmine, over there by the ice cream.