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they are someone

the fattest ugliest unwanted unloved unneeded failures, they are disgusting and dont do anything but smoke, shit, snack, sleep and repeat

I feel bad for them, no one ever notices them, they are someone

by janruan August 21, 2022

To pull a Mediatonic on someone

If someone is asking another person for feedback/advice and then goes ahead and ignores it or even does the opposite.

Person 1: What can I do better in our relationship?

Person 2: You could be more respectful to me!

Person 1: *continues to disrespect person 2*

Person 2: Dude, are you pulling a mediatonic on me again? (To pull a Mediatonic on someone)

by Flaming Ape October 20, 2021

can someone translate

1.You don’t want to cope with his/her foolishness.

2. You don’t understand.

Person: “So in conclusion, the earth is flat.”

Person 2: “Can someone translate.”


Person 1: *teaches Math
Person 2: “Can someone translate?”

by quACK ACK November 11, 2018

she likes someone else

Give up there's no point she doesnt like you just fucking give up

"I like her but she doesn't me she likes someone else"

by CODAC22ONTWITCH October 11, 2023