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period war

When two girls who are on their periods hang out and are exceptionally bitchy to each other

Man I'm sure Sierra and Hannah had a period war last week.

by Rodericlaw5 June 24, 2014

Halo Wars

A RTS game by Ensemble Studios for the xBox 360. I7 takes place in 2525 (2 + 5 = 7) wi7h 7he glassing of Harvest, the first planet to be glassed in the Halo timeline.

I love playing Halo Wars.

by yeltsA kciR May 26, 2021

Google war

When one or more people search google for articles to prove their point.

John says that women like smaller dicks so James uses google to find a article saying how women only like larger penises. John replies “I am not going to google war you” and leaves.

by Mister Swinger February 26, 2020

jandal wars

A fun yet painful game which can test ones jandal ability, two people with one jandal each put there left hand behind there back and each have a turn to slap the person in the cheek as hard as they can, and this continues until someone gives up and the other person is declared the jandal king until he is beaten.

"Did you watch chris and mick play jandal wars?."
"Yea i did mate, it was bloody brutal!."
"At least chris is the jandal king now!."

by Bez23 August 25, 2007

Bang War

1: A couple who repeatedly cheats just to spite each other is in a bang war.

2: When someone goes about having sex with one specific persons partners, and the other person retaliates in the same way, they are in a bang war.

1: Shannon slept with two dudes after Dave cheated on her so he had sex with Jane and then she slept with his brother- that bang war lasted two years!
2: Zoe and Amanda have been in a bang war since high school when Zoe slept with Amanda’s boyfriend.

by Dancingbeaver1123 December 11, 2018

The Simpan War

Most people call it theTrojan War but the war was started by two Mega Simp that wanted a girl. So it’s classified as a simp war and not a normal one.

Guy 1:yo you heard of that war in history class

Educated Guy 1: yeah it was called The Simpan War

by The Simp Professor April 28, 2020

Beast Wars

The BEST Transformers series ever. Hooks you in within minutes and causes you to binge it for days. Not only a has beautiful story, but legendary characters such as: Waspinator, Dinobot, Rhinox, Tigatron, Blackarachnia, and Silverbolt. Seriously, go out and watch this series before you die.

Person 1: What are you watching?

Person 2: Beast Wars.

Person 1: What's that?

Person 2: A great series about robots that transform into animals.

Person 1: You mean like the Transformers?

Person 2: Yes, but even better.

by Darkness Prime January 25, 2023