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shit abyss

The shit abyss by my understanding is a terrifying place of reckoning, a place and time where you will be forced to face yourself and your decisions. It is referenced by the great Mr. Lahey on the trailer park boys when warning Ricky about his shinanaigans.

"Rick, your going to be consumed by the abyss. You know what that is Rick, the shit abyss? In the abyss there's nothing but you and your character."
shit rope shit hawk shit apple mr. lahey

by Genghis Chong July 2, 2014

42๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

naked shit

When you take such a nasty shit that you have to take off all your clothes just to handle it.

Friend1: Yo where were you? You're 20 minutes late, and your shirt is untucked!

Friend2 (Nude Shitter): Sorry man I was putting my clothes back on in the bathroom, I had mexican food earlier and had to take a huge naked shit!

by nypaliguy November 9, 2009

73๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ain't shit

Describing one as if they are nothing

And_You_Hype on Twitter ain't shit.

by IAintShit_Yet May 2, 2016

171๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Shit-ton is equivalent to 24 metric assloads, or 1/10th of a fuck-ton.

Used to measure un-quantifiable amounts of something. Although it can be used in the measurement of very large people it actually is not a unit of weight.

Bad Usage:

That guy must weigh a shit-ton.

Good Usage:
I just payed a shit-ton more money switching to Geico AND it took 20 minutes.
A shit-ton of thought went into this definition.

by MastaFlava February 17, 2010

1578๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

utter shit

'literal shit' Something that is complete shit. Could be used to describe a shitty situation or object.

'What the hell, this is not supposed to happen, this is utter shit!'

'I hate SPSS! This program is utter shit!'

by offspringjack January 18, 2012

56๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

nervous shits

When you have something to do but you are nervous about doing it, your stomach starts to hurt and when you go to the bathroom you shit diarrhea all over the place.

Hey Jimmy, how did your job interview go?

It went well, but before I went, I had the nervous shits. I blew 10 shits all over the place.

by M Dolla November 6, 2013

82๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

monster shit

Noun (Verbal Noun, Transitive Noun, Countable Noun. Plural: monster shits)

1) (Verbal Noun). The act of defecating particularly large or stubborn feces from the digestive tract via the anus (in this context the feces are usually solid, but sometimes the feces can be semisolid or even liquid and still qualify as a monster shit).

2) (Noun). The feces itself that resulted from the monster shit. To safely qualify as a monster shit the feces must be remarkable in some way, such as having an unusually large mass, density, texture or any other obvious quality which identifies it as a remarkable bowel movement.

Also of note is that some people claim to have laid a monster shit, when in fact it was only an above average bowel movement. The stress of laying above average feces may make the resulting feces seem larger than they are. Applying the valsalva maneuver by holding your breath and "pushing" to force out firm feces can heighten the senses, making your anus hyper sensitive which can give the impression that your shit is larger or more monstrous than it actually is.

1) "I can't talk now Jane, I am taking a monster shit and it requires my complete attention so I will have to call you back"

2) "I wouldn't go to the garden shed for a little while, Bobby got high again and laid a monster shit right on top of your lawn mower"

by Jaykea June 30, 2009

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