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chippity chop

a versatile phrase used while one is doing something questionable or normally frowned upon by society, thereby making this action seem okay to an extent; may also be used when one is in the process of achieving something awesome such as an epic goal in FIFA; can also be varied to ones liking: chippityhipchipchop, chippitychopchipskipparo!

While stealing a french fry from a friend, one may say "chippity chop," quickly consume said french fry, and it is as if the theft never occurred.

by haymariposa August 30, 2011

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To shoot and kill a defenseless person.

He dropped his gun and put up his hands, but the cop chopped him anyway.

by Karl Mason March 28, 2007

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Chopped up

Getting a haircut

Ey brah you wanna go run a train on this bitch and fuck her in the ass? I just got chopped up an am lookin cleaner than a bathroom at steak and shake

by Pretty dick daniel November 30, 2014

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mongy chops

One who has an ugly mouth / dental swelling etc.

Euww she's got right mongy chops on er

by King Tets September 18, 2007

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Donkey Chop

This is when just after a Donkey Punch is given to the girl during sexual intercourse; the girl hits the boy back in the face and chops his penis off with a rusty nail.

"I always make sure I have a rusty nail handy during sex; just incase there's a donkey punch and I have to give him a donkey chop."

"The answer to a donkey punch: a donkey chop."

by phoebeandmaddie March 25, 2010

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love chop

When a female gets slapped in or around the the face with an erect penis during the act of fellatio either by the recipient or of her own accord

"yeah, i gave her the love chop just to let her know who's boss"

by theoneandonlyporkchop March 21, 2012

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Chopped In Half

An adjective describing in its essential, most literal sense, ones state of intoxication by or as if by a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana. More commonly used as an adjective describing ones behaviorisms as similar to those expressed while intoxicated by a drug such as cocaine or marijuana.

Damn, I am So chopped in half right now, I dont even know where i am.

by Aete Bawl December 27, 2003

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