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Heir of a dog

A posh way of saying Son of a bitch, so that it would not be understood quickly.
70's phrase that became popular brief due to the song by the same title by the band Nazareth.

Look at the heir of a dog over there, don't get to close, you may catch flees.

by Icandor December 29, 2025

Dog Ball

A sport where you take dogs and throw them like a dog at other people

Hey, You wanna play Dog Ball?

by fortniteisgat2 March 27, 2022


Southern slang; typically used in the Carolinas. Pie-dog is used to describe a person that carries gossip from one home to another similar to the way stray dogs bury bones (or some other gift) in exchange for what they dig up. It’s a manipulative tactic that serves to cause derision or conflict between families and the most injurious use of this tactic is used in the workplace. It’s how hostile work environments are formed.

Example one: Althea (a class mate) finds Charles and Beth in a classroom innocently talking. Beth upsets Althea so she tells Beth’s teacher and her mother she saw Beth kissing Charles in the classroom when they were alone. Poor Beth (and Charles) Althea is the pie-dog in this example
Example two: Victor and Venus (both are Althea’s coworkers) are jealous of Althea because she has two jobs and wears nice clothes. Everyday they watch her and talk about her in Spanish: They email their manager after she tells them she knows they are talking about her and informed them they should leaver her alone. The manager begins to mistreat Althea. Victor and Venus are the pie-dogs in this example.

Example three:” you better watch these ppl bring you gossip; any dog that brings a bone is looking to carry one away” . Here this is how Southern ppl warn you about a pie-dog in your presence.

by Elle boogie September 14, 2022

Whistle dog

The booty hole

Aye yo let me lick that whistle dog

by angelicaaa_glo July 15, 2019

dog dad bait

Photos or videos featuring a single Dog Mom’s dog that uses the dog to attract single men who want to be dog dads into the life of the single dog mom.

Franny loves to use her dog as dog dad bait in tiktoks and Instagram stories.

by Mr. Patrick Parker August 13, 2021

Big dogs winky

Someone that consistently acts like a massive penis.

look at you, you big dogs winky...

by RCB666 August 26, 2016

juggling dog

The juggling dog refers to a macguffin, leading folks on a wild goose chase

The juggling dog is missing...can you find what island he's on?

by Chimmkin July 31, 2024