this is when linus plays an adc called lucian in the game league of legends
Oh no its the big black linus, he is really fed.
When someone performs “the goat” but has a poopy asshole.
I walked in on colon in the shitter but he heard me coming. So he turned around and gave me a black sheep.
The constant feeling that your hair is not black enough, even after only dying it recently.
“Why are you dying your black hair black? You must have black hair dysmorphia”
A slang term for an black uncircumcised penis. Commonly used by teenage girls to hide the fact that they are in a extremely sexual relationship with a black male (Most likely older than them).
Sally: Kelly, why are you walking all funny?
Kelly: Oh it's nothing, just went on a date last night and had a black burrito~.
Sally: Wow, didn't know you could handle one of those!
The Black Hand was the greatest and the most feared of Sauron's Black Captains during the late Third Age. He personally killed the family of Talion (a ranger of the Black Gate), both his wife and his son, and then proceeded to slit the throat of Talion himself.
“You cannot escape us.”
When a metal head leaves their usual listening stance and enters a full body spasm including strange facial and hand gestures, possibly paired with mouth guitar noises due to quality heavy music.
My girlfriend caught me Jack Blacking to Gojira in the bathroom last night and now she won't return my calls.