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Black witch with wicks

Retired Air Force woman from Homestead FL. Social Worker for DCF state of Florida, abuser, scammer, con artist, unhealthy, lazy, judgemental, mentally unstable eater of pork, single, immoral, complacent, aggravating, know it all, kneedy, evil, aggressive, molester, child abuser, violent, irritating, annoying, liar, nosey, and hostile. Unclean liver of life and corruption of good honorable moralistic behavior. Lies to the courts in order to obtain her benefits as from the Military but is no longer even involved. Terrible child care giver and care giver in general.

Black witch with wicks Jackie is crazy, she has always been a black witch pretending to be a nice Christian. She is nothing but a black salem witch SELL OUT. Her poor family thought so highly of her to just be a mean black witch using social securities to live a life of just for her.

by Nowherenearyouinthislifeoneart February 10, 2023

black raspberries

black tar heroine

Hey dude I’m going to go and get some black raspberries

by Martin from next door 6 October 27, 2017

Cleaver blacks

A South African derogatory term used for black people by black people to describe those who have higher education but become sellouts to the black community. Instead of trying to help their community they seek white validation and approval. It is deriving from the phrase whites used to use "cleaver for a black person". (Think Uncle Tom)

Cleaver blacks don't want to see change they just to keep the same oppressive system alive!

by Nkos'yam October 7, 2020

Black by penetration

A non black female who develops a black ethnic, Black African or Black Afro Caribbean persona after having sex with a black man.

Watch that girl kissing her teeth, because she's with Tyrone she thinks she's "Black by penetration."

by Black vibe October 23, 2022

black white pink bits

The combination of black and white paint splatter on pink fingernails. Often found at Susannah Manor

Oh look girl it’s my black white Pink Bits

by BecBrooke November 23, 2021

Hi top black forces

Similar to the low top black forces, it gives you the energy to not give a fuck. But when you slip the hi top versions, you get energy that is worse that the low top black force energy. You instantly go crazy and want to beat up everyone so badly. It’s because Hi top forces are outdated that when you wear hi top black forces you just want to not give a single fuck about anything and beat up anything that walks, talks, and stands still. So anyway, it’s best to hide from a nigga with hi top black force energy.

Guy 1: Hey did you see mike with them hi top black forces? Guy 2: Hell yeah that dude beat up the shit out of that dude with low top black forces!

by Thatoneblackdude. July 24, 2023

Black Wanda

A sweet Cheetah Queen

I hope my babies are watching Bebe Cecies at their grandparents' new house - Kelsey to Black Wanda

by kcsknowsbest February 6, 2022