1. The journey of a boy who's video game counsle comes to life and teaches him the error in video games such as "RockBand" and "Guitar Hero" eventually teaching him to play his music in the real world!
2. A rock band from the Chicagoland area. Formed by Michael Iseah-Grei Crawford formerly of the Vintage. Player One consists of Bruno Carvallo, Scott Tulo and Michael Crawford.
1.See Also Player One
2. The Adventures of Player One rock my socks!
3. The Adventures of Player One played a really great set last night!
Inserting two fingers into the vagina while another finger is in the anus.
In most cases the index finger and middle finger are extended while the ring finger and thumb are curled and the pinkie finger extended.
Have you ever put two in the rung and one in the dung
Yeah to my ex she went crazy for it!
Two for the pink, one for the pink I always think!
A nice twist on one mans meat, another man's poison. Where neither option is that bad. Invites thought , laughter and useful for pub banter.
Originated in the pubs of South London in the 1940s.
I don't know Bill, I don't know what he sees in her.
"One man's meat, another man's gravy."
Long pause...
"But which is better? Meat or gravy?"
when michael lee plays with little kids at the pool in his golf clothes
michael is a pedo. he pulled a one night.
The simple practice of the art of necrophilia with your bestest of friends. Typically performed in a Catholic Cemetery between the hours of 1am to 3am.
Hey Juan,
Wanna go crack open a cold one with the boys down at the cemetery on Garfield Street?
A place where pentagons face the corner and do wobete kpeee
One corner,one corner wobete kpee