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hair band

bands from the 1980s known as much for their music as their huge, flowing heads of hair.

I like '80s hair bands, like Bon Jovi

by mciml2 July 14, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

jam band

A style of band that may or may not understand the concept of a song but seems to care less. All songs are improvised nonsense. Imagine if you will, the theme song from the TV program Seinfeld being played for two hours in a continuous loop with drum and guitar solos as "accompaniment". As opposed to jazz fusion. Which is actually the same but with horns. The fans participate by playing hacky sack and smoking marijuana. This helps to distract their brains from realizing how terrible the music is. Sometimes there is singing but the bands have no real opinions on anything so it doesn't much matter.

Fans defend this with the oft uttered cliche: "They are all trained musicians and have degrees and stuff." The same defense taken to an extreme would be analogous to going to a dentist for a cleaning and coming out with dentures.

Possible reasons for the popularity of these bands would be that their fans do a lot of shitty drugs such as is the case in the "techno" scene.

I can't tell one of these jam bands apart from another. Are you sure this is a DIFFERENT jam band?

One is the Grateful Dead/Phish and the second is trying to sound exactly like the Grateful Dead/Phish.

"We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little."
--Bart Simpson

by 2wm October 8, 2009

58๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

band geek

While band geeks may seem like freaks, if you get into their "circle of friends" you will find that...

a) They have possibly the hottest orgies ever.
b) They have more sex than most of the jocks.
c) They have hot orgies on the two hour bus rides every saturday.
d) A lot of the girls are bisexual.

Not to be confused with orch dorks. Band geeks are way hotter. Orch dorks are inferior to band geeks. Plus they don't have the hot orgies like we do.

Omg that chick has sex every saturday with the tuba player! I wish I was a band geek...

by Just a Band Geek September 30, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene band

There are two main types of scene bands,
one is of talent, and I'm not going to cover them.

The other type is the talentless mix of beats from old fifty cent songs with added sound effects from their macbook combined with annoying cocky lyrics from homosexual sounding voices that go back and forth between rapping and screamo

Most of these people were discovered on Myspace and are "totally original", which is supposedly why scene kids go crazy for them.

Usually, they dress like they've just picked up everything in an 80s thrift store, have a million piercings in places you didn't know they pierced, and have the ideal "scene hair"

a scene band is:
Jeffree Star
Dot Dot Curve :)
The Medic Droid
I Set My Friends On Fire
and pretty much everything on the Warped Tour list.

by loulou brutal January 17, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Symphonic band

A symphonic band is simply a band for smarter and more advanced musicians. People who were put in a concert band are rejects that didn't make the symphonic band.

The symphonic band has much more advanced music, for much more advanced musicians.

by Symphonic band August 31, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rubber Band

A rubber is a condom and a rubber band is when you ejaculate in a condom and you stretch it and fire the cum filled condom at your partner face. Also known as a facial.

Gasser rubberbanded his boyfriends after anal sex.

As he came,his girlfriend asked him to rubber band her.

by AJ Khalifa January 11, 2010

47๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


A groupie who contracts HIV/AIDS from sleeping with a rock star.

Jen: What happened to you last night amber?
Amber: Oh my god! all i remember is getting on a bus with the fat drummer, bubba. I think i have band-AIDS now.
Jen: Shit! that sucks

by Honey Danforth October 2, 2006

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