Stephanie is a very loving person even tho she might have some slutty ways she knows she is madly in love with oiram ray gonzales.
Have you seen a Stephanie Sanchez
Stephanie is someone who really loves Oiram R Gonzales
What is that Stephanie Sanchez
When a man jerks off and cums on his own dick then gives her a mushroom stamp to wake her up.
Her boyfriend gave her a Sanchez wake up call.
When you have mokeypox, you rub the rash and deploy it on your partner as you would for a dirty sanchez. After a couple of days, the rash will show thus completing the Monkey Sanchez.
Guy 1: “Dude, see Her rash? I just gave her the Monkey Sanchez!”
Guy 2: “totally freaking sick bro!”
A word to describe an old man with a micro penis.
That man is an Anal-Sanchez
Poor guy has Anal-Sanchez disease
You may have heard of a dirty sanchez but this is much more filthy. It's when you find out a player isn't playing in a forthcoming fantasy gameweek and you transfer them out for someone who is. Despicable behaviour
Smithy: "Phew, just transferred out an overpriced underperforming midfielder because he's not in the starting XI tonight"
Everyone: "Wait, what, have you just pulled a Smithy Sanchez?"
Smithy: *feels guilt for the rest of time*
Cecil: "Push the lion button"
Cholò Sanchez or more commonly know as Cholo Is the voice inside of my head. Cholo often tries to get me to do some pretty bad things, and because im weak I do them.
Cholò Sanchez "I bet you won't buy that 6 year old off the black market, wanna know why, cause your a pussy"
Me "god dammit fine"