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Unholy sask act

When 2 guys three Bomb a chick in a crusty motel in the middle of nowhere.

Ex: Me and micheal did the unholy sask act the other day, it was plenty of fun

by Michealjackson😉 December 10, 2023

Stop acting like a shemale

Saying used when you acknowledge that someone is a man, but a weak one.

My friend: That joke offended me!
Me: It's just a joke, stop acting like a shemale and grow a pair.

by CK-HVACR August 6, 2024

51👍 17👎

Hamilman act 2

Threatening to do something bad to someone like Hamilman did to his wife in act 2

Person 1: Don't make me go Hamilman act 2 on you
Person 2: Neverrrrrr
Person 3: Unless I Do it first.

Don't make me go Hamilman Act 2 on you...

by peanutbutterrat_777 February 11, 2021

Count Fecula's disappearing act

What happens when you evacuate your bowels and the waste product perfectly snakes it's way down the cicular pipe at the bottom of the toilet and is no where to be found post- wipe pre- flush.

Man I just Witnessed a count Fecula's disappearing act In the bathroom.

by bmilligan05 March 3, 2016

Randumb Acts

A small-time drama group that will one day make you laugh...or cry, hopefully both. Honestly, its amazing and you should watch it. Usually involving Pirates or 24. A channel on YouTube.

Awesome kid #1: Have you seen the latest Randumb Acts skit?

Awesome kid #2 Eff, yeah! I laughed so hard, blood came out my ears!

Awesome kid #1 Dude, that group PWNs!!!!

(Both High Five)

by Krittr March 23, 2009

Act a vizay

A phrase a person from Lafayette Louisiana would use when a person is acting abnormal or dumblike.

Say man, go head! You showll know how to act a vizay.

by Shaqondatrack July 28, 2018

acting australian

acting australian is the act of being a big fat liar while also being australian

Person 1: Did you know that we won the emu wars? It was a close one but Team Aussie managed pulled through.
Person 2: No you didn't, stop acting australian

by YVHarder August 11, 2021