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Sigma Alpha Epsilon

They are the largest national fraternity, however most chapters are composed of complete tools. Their nickname is SAE, and they have earned the more popular nickname Sexual Assault Expected due to the fact that they drug every person who comes through their door and rape them. It is also a common fact that you must be wearing at least 3 popped collars at any given time when you are a member, or you can be subjected to judicial hearings. This is to keep the image of SAE as "tool" as possible. They enjoy throwing beer bottles at their partners after Spring Jam too after they win.

APhi girl: Hey, so I went to Sigma Alpha Epsilon last night.

Other girl: Did the guy wearing seven popped collars decide to rape you again?

APhi girl: I don't remember, they drugged me again as I walked through the door.

Other girl: What fucking tools.

by IHateLions March 15, 2010

188๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Kappa Psi

THE professional business fraternity. AKPsi is a co-ed professional fraternity founded in 1904 at New York University. It is recognized across the nation as the premier developer of ethical business leaders. Known for kick-ass parties and people.
Beats the shit out of Delta Sigma Pi.

"Drink up bitch, this is Alpha Kappa Psi."

by tdm duh December 3, 2006

389๐Ÿ‘ 567๐Ÿ‘Ž

lambda chi alpha

A group of butt fucking cock suckers who pretend they're straight while circle jerking to Cold play music.

Josh is such a lambda chi alpha.

by Bobby Thomas December 12, 2006

603๐Ÿ‘ 895๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gen Alpha

Basically people born in 2018 and higher.

Guy: Hey look he's in Gen Alpha.

by WordWizard_123LOL October 26, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

A Greek organization found on many university campuses nationwide.

Synonymous with: douche, tool, collar-popper, rapist, fuck-tard, clone, and bromosexual.

Commonly misconstrued as an organization built off ideals valuing the individuality of their brothers.

GDI: I'm thinking about going Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Any other Greek: Oh? How many collared shirts do you have?

GDI: I don't know... maybe 5?

Any other Greek: That will get you through the first day of Rush. Start investing and good luck.

by anyothergreek1 March 24, 2010

150๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž

zeta tau alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha is a nationally recognized sorority. Their motto is- Love, the greatest of all things.
Zeta's are classy girls. They can drink and party with the best of them, but they also hold the highest GPA's and give back to the community through various volunteer organizations. Zeta's are the girls men take home to their mothers but can drink your father under the table.

Not only do we have the looks, brains, and glamour, but most importantly the class to back it up. With our crowns on high and that Zeta sparkle in our eye, we are every guy's dream and every girl's envy. There's only one thing to be... and that's a Zeta!

Wow, that girl is amazing; she's got it all. She must be a Zeta Tau Alpha.

by Brandie Rose September 1, 2006

718๐Ÿ‘ 1093๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zeta Tau Alpha

The greatest sorority on earth, envied by every girl and wanted by every guy. We just run shit on campus like pro's. So for all you freshman who want to be one of us you better step your game up cuz it isn't easy wearing the Zeta crown!

"When we pass by with the crown, bitch bow down."

by Jen B. August 9, 2005

822๐Ÿ‘ 1298๐Ÿ‘Ž