A device that detects how much of an asshole someone is but if your name is evan it just will say mega gay
Evan.use the asshole sensor on me
Straight man. Ok
Evan. What's it say
Man. Your gay
When you're being kind of, but not really, an asshole.
Jeez! Temecu sure was asshole-ish in his post!
That wing you find in your order that really isn't quite a chicken wing and may not even be chicken in the first place.
Out of the 12 wings I ordered only 11 were wing and 1 was a chicken asshole.
It is the 2nd stage of bitchassness. It is related to a person that has a negative aura. This disease occurs when people either:
a) have a negative attitude towards you/your actions
b) always have something to say eveytime the see you
c) whenever someone just does the dumbest thing, but the outcome of their actions is negative
You're always running your mouth! Get your bitchassness and asshole-ocity infected ass out of my face!!
Someone that once he/she enters a predefined geographical area becomes irritable, irrational or just an asshole in general for no apparent reason.
Bob is usually a very laid back guy, however he must be a geographic asshole, each time he's near his brother's home he becomes a prick.
1) An absolutely disgusting object or situation.
2) A filthy rectum. Not always deemed as such by observation of said rectum, but by general knowledge of a certain person's general hygiene.
3) A type of hotsauce.
1) Dude, that Wendy's we went to last night was Rauncho Asshole.
2) Get your Rauncho Asshole off my property, you filthy hippy!
3) Dude, my burger needs some Rauncho Asshole.
When you eat too much spicy food and take a shit..... When your asshole hurts.
I had a huge fucking burrito with a ton of chile. Tonight I will have an angry asshole.