When you stick your entire foot up a donkeys anal cavity
I went to the zoo yesterday and gave that donkey The Walker B
Pressing B to warp back to base in games like League of Legends and Smite.
"Sorry guys I'm out of mana, gotta b-back"
"No dude! You just got me killed #$@#%!#"
A term used by professional land surveyors to describe something that is or has been fucked.
That noob surveyor just completed their survey and it is totally easement B.
Bitch face, is someone who is acting like an asshole can be supplimented with any letter of the alphabet
she is such a B-Face sometimes
Not just a 2 faced, but an 8 faced bitch who acts and dresses like an absolute slag. She can’t keep a boyfriend for very long as she likes to flirt with any and every guy in a five mile radius. They are a type of slag who enjoys the chase but not the relationship and can’t keep their grubby little hands to themselves. She is the biggest backstabber you will ever meet and can’t keep a secret for very long. You can not trust this class of slag with any information because it will get around faster than they catch STIs.
The girl over there, she is a proper class B slag
superlative from love,the most wholesome thing you can say.
I’m so in juba b with my juba b
a store in the UK that sells mysterious items ranging from trees to paintings. however B&Q's are always on the middle of a motorway and they have little convenience.
isa shop 🅱️
son - dad we've ran out of batteries
dad - alright i'll pop down to B&Q